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Wednesday, October 9, 2024      

Collection Management Software

Version 2.1.0 This is a Windows ONLY Application.

If you are ready to buy Click Here.

If you need another 30 days of evaluation time Click_Here to get a Key Code for an Additional 30 Days.

The tool was developed to organize a Collection of DVDs. We had a heck of a time finding one we wanted to watch and even worse time knowing what DVDs we actually had. So I developed the tool to help me organize them with a filing system based on Large (like you buy at the store) and Small (like you might put home movies in). The tool prints a List of all of the DVDs by number. I find the one, Alphabetical or by Category, we want to watch and I go to the box with that number in it. It has made Collecting a lot easier,

The tool would also do well with Music CDs, Books, or just about anything that needs to be organized. Try it out for 30 days free.

Application Features:

  • Handle as many Items as you choose to enter
  • It offers 15 Categories that you define
  • There are 2 Types (Large & Small)
  • You can have as many Collections as you want to Define
  • Each Collection can be Tailored so the Nomenclature you want is used for the standard fields
  • Allows you to format Output to have the Title first or Categories first
  • You can also have the Author and Description line on the Output ... or not
  • Print to any printer or create a PDF file with PrimoPDF
  • You can Output to a MS Word Document (requires MS Word) with every other Item highlighted for ease of reading

There are a lot of features for a few dollars. The price for the program is only $10.00, which includes any upgrades for 12 months.

Click for a New Installation FREE trial use for 30 days.

The Main Panel:

Main Panel

Found Items :

This panel is provided when searching for a Title, Author, or Description text string.

Search Results Panel

You can tailor the information used in the Program to better suit your needs :

Settings Panel

You can move "The" in Titles to the end of the Title or move them back to the front as needed.

You can Create, Move Between, Rename, and Delete Collections.

Collection Definition Panel


You can create several types of Output in the form you want.

Output Settings Panel

Download Updates:

Look here for new releases and enhancements. If you have any enhancements you would like to see please let us know at:

Click to download Version 2.1.0 Full Installation for New Users

Planned Enhancements:

Please contact us with any enhancement requests you may have.

  • Currently No Enhancements have been received


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